Wednesday, December 24, 2008


This is a wonderful building where is in hillside of a mountain in Trabzon-Turkey. This is an ancient architecture which is very old. It is very hard to guess how people constructed this monastory in AC 345. It is very impressive so it can captured thousand of people’s attention from all over the world. Also it is very imposing and magnificent building. We can see traditional Byzantium themes in this building. Now it is a bit dilapidated and it must be restored.


My favourite building is the Topkapı Palace. It is one of the ottoman's best-known places and it captures the atmosphere of Ottoman Empire for me. It looks so elegant and graceful in Eminönü. It was built in 1478. It is an incredibly impressive building. A lot of tourist come to this palace to see Ottoman Empires life and when you go there you feel the atmosphere.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


I always visit Topkapi Palace. It’s magnificent palace. It’s one of the Turkey’s best known architecture and it captures my attention. Topkapı Palace constructed by Fatih Sultan Mehmet, (the Conqueror) in 1478 has been the official residence of the Otoman Sultans and center of State Administration around 380 years until the construction of Dolmabahçe Palace by Sultan Abdülmecid. In Topkapi Palace there is a famous diamond which calls “ Kasikci Diomond”. It is saved there and every year too many tourists visit there to see that. At the same time this palace is very important example for Empire of Osmanlı’s architecture and give many secret’s of culture and life style about years and years ago. In there, sacred things, which belongs Islam religion, are saved. Palace has ornate design. This architecture also restored every yeare and continue to be graceful.


Kız Kulesi (Leander's Tower)

My favourite place is Kız Kulesi (Leander's Tower). It has one of the Istanbul’s best-known imposing view. It is very magnificant and impressive. It was consructed by Byzantine Empire. It is very stylish and innovative. Kız Kulesi (Leander's Tower) is one of the example of ancient architecture. It was built with traditional style. In addition, also it is very elegant and graceful.
Burak Turunç

I had seen this impressive graveyard in Dalyan while I was on holiday. We were in boat on Dalyan's lake. In fact, this graveyard is in the mountain. It had been built in the mountain with a very different way. I can't say that it is ornate, because it is very old and dilapidated. Perhaps, some people may think it is not elegant. However, this graveyard is graceful in my opinion. Maybe, ancient places are more magnificent for me. It can not be restored, because it is very difficult to maintain. However, this does not mean it looks ugly.


Millions of people are struggling for survival.
The strikes inflicted serious damage on the economy.
We aim to capture eight percent of the UK wine market.
I am enslaved by my credit cards debts.
The architect has incorporated Egyptian themes in the building's design.
There was something sinister about Mr Scott's death.
It was also a kind of Chartres Cathedral, a perfect embodiment of its genre.
He has always been a source of inspiration for me.
One guy was juggling with five balls.
Workers withdrew their labor for twenty-four hours.

Bahadır SERT

Bosphorus bridge is one of the two bridges in Turkey, Istanbul which is connecting Europe and Asia. It was very innovative at that time to decrease the traffic and it had been constructed by Japanese for 3 years. It is an impressive building because of its magnificent and imposing view. And also it is so elegant and graceful. It is 1,510 m and the clearance of the bridge from sea level is 64 m. Nowadays, you can see the workers who are maintaining for earthquakes. Almost every year the government commission for some companies to keep it in good condition. It used to look rather run-down for government, because of that reason, they decided to renovate it.
Bahadır SERT


Anıtkabir is the mausoleum of Atatürk, who is the leader of Turkish Independence War and revolution. ( "Anıt" means monumental and "kabir" means grave.) It is located on a hill named Anıttepe in Ankara capital city of Turkey. When Ataturk died, Turkish people wanted to show how they loved him by building a monumental grave. It is a magnificant and complex building in classic-modern style. Also, there are some museums inwhich Ataturk's belongings are displayed to visitors. Anıtkabir has a tremendous atmosphere especially in national festivals. Millions of people visit Anıtkabir and show their respect to the greatest leader. According to the website of Anıtkabir, about 13 million people visited Anıtkabir in 2007. I have visited there twice, too.

Hagia Sophia

This is one of my favourite places in Istanbul because of it's extraordinary historical situation.It was the largest cathedral ever built in the world for nearly a thousand year.It was originally constructed as patriarchal basilica, then it changed in to a mosque now it's a museum in Sultanahmet area,Istanbul.It was an impressive mosque.Hagia Sophia is one of the great example of ancient architecture.Hagia Sophia was ornated with nice examples of Byzantine architecture.Hagia Sophia is a magnificent mosque and it's build with traditional style.Hagia Sophia was converted to the Ayasofya mosque as the symbol of the conquest.Hagia Sophia physically maintain very well.Hagia Sophia was restored and look original.It's important not to give damage to Hagia Sophia.It's a great embodiment of classical Byzantine architecture.Hagia Sophia gives very important role for Istanbul.Even Istanbul changes by the time Hagia Sophia remains as itself.

Monday, December 22, 2008







Galata Tower, which is my favorite place, is a very nice place in Istanbul.  It is very impressive and magnificent.  It was constructed in 14th century so that the government which was Ottoman Empire could see the whole city for fires.


Therefore, it was a very innovative design and in contemporary world, it is still very stylish and innovative.  Many people go there even though going there and moving up of its highest altitude are very expensive.  Consequently, it is very graceful and elegant place.  Also, you can see the whole city from the top of the Galata Tower.         




Ersin KOÇ

Lake Manyas

Lake Manyas...

Lake Manyas is a lake in eastern Turkey. It is constructed in the Balıkesir. This is a shallow
nutrient-rich freshwater lake. Average depth of it is 3 m. However, it can change according to the season. It is fed by groundwater and four streams.Also, there are small deltas.
Water is abstracted for factory use and for irrigation. Cattle and sheep grazing is common along the lake shores. Moreover, it is unique because it's the best graceful landscape. It is really important for the Turkish tourism. It is attractive. I mean; It attracts many native and foreign tourists. In March, all the birds go there and stay on the trees. This view is exactly magnificent that you should see. Furthermore, it was just a bird park, but now it is a national park. Between March-July, you can see over 200 kinds of birds. Nothing can damage this impressive view,it maintains as it is just one year old.


Stormwind City

Stormwind is the name of human capital city in the game World of Warcraft which located on South-East of Eastern Kingdoms continent.

It is like an ancient castle which includes a city in it. Stormwind is the elegant main city of alliance. There are five races who live, trade and complete their education there.Humans, dwarfs, elves, gnomes and draneis. It has constructed near near a lake to protect from assaults and it also includes canals and rivers which divided by big walls. It is embidoment of innovation. There was just a village at the place of today's Stormwind and now it's called old town in stormwind. There are 5 more parts and a palace in it. There was a simple traditional church in the city but day after day they developed it and it became central of tradition now this graceful building is a cathedral. Stormwind includes and impressive palace which rebuild after the 3rd war. Now Stormwind looks like undamageable. Also it the the center of art with its contemporary design.

Silvermoon ( WoW )

I want to talk about a cyber city from a video game called World of Warcraft. This city belongs to Blood Elves and called Silvermoon. The architecture of Silvermoon is really impressive. You can see stylish buildings and traditional buildings everywhere. Actually the most part of silvermoon has an ancient and stylish design. We can't compare Silvermoon to real ancient civilizations, because it includes innovative , traditional and classical buildings together. We can say that Silvermoon is a mix of all architecture types. Near the silvermoon we can see the Old Silvermoon , which had been demolished after World War of Warcraft. We can say that Ruins of Silvermoon is a derelict. In Brief when you are in Silvermoon you can feel the mysterious of this utopian city and the spirits of the ancients...

Saturday, December 20, 2008


The goverment should prepare collectively plans to increase their rates at surveys.
A person who has schizophrenia has a duality temprature because they often have 2 persons in their minds.
Enemies has captured our citizens and forced them to serve as labours at mines.
Dr.Doom in the movie was a typical vicious character
He is a real multitasker, look at him! he is juggling with many things now...
We played a game about capturing a flag from a castle
He has built his carreer with sinister atrocities.
Rebels have inflicted an unexpected damage on government building

Friday, December 19, 2008

  • The dog attacked my sister and inflicted serious injuries.
  • We collectively contributed the nursing home by preperad them food.
  • When she comes near us, something goes wrong because she is sinister.
  • When enemies captured Turkey, Turkish nation decided to have a independent counry and battled against.
  • I'm so busy these days because of juggling too many works.
  • I couldn't understand past perfect tense but my teacher concerned about it.
  • They've been enslaved and had to do what they wanted.
  • Only the achievement of my labor can save me from the LAT.
  • He is vicious because he always swears.


Thursday, December 18, 2008


Implication: Implications of a war always results with destruction like it happened before in history ; World Wor 1 , World War 2.
Capture: There were 5 hostages being captured in that bank robbery.
Vicious: The police was looking for a vicious criminal that killed an 8 years old kid.
Duality: The biggest problem in a state government is the duality and dualism occured in its ruling mechanism.
Collectively: The teacher gave us both collectively & individually exercises for this tutariol in class.
Hassle: I really don`t want to deal with the hassle of your bad attitude.
Incorporate: In this bussiness lesson , our new subject is “ how to incorporate a business ” .
Sinister: He had that sinister smile on his face.
Inspration: The biggest inspration for the poet is his boyfriend.
Juggle: Living standarts in Turkey makes it very difficult for working mothers to juggle job and their family.
  1. In addition to being a wealthy businessman, he is a household name, who clearly is the embodiment of power.
  2. Despite of being a sinister nobleman, he helped poor people.
  3. Implications show that we have just started to explore our well-designed brain.
  4. I have aversion to prime minister, because he makes me angry.
  5. Our country's economy is consistently going well.( ironic:)
  6. I don't like the movies which include fictitious characters.
  7. Most people in the world hate George W. Bush because of his atrocities.
  8. Audience was intrigued by beautiful women.
  9. Prime minister exerted pressure on members of parliament to pass a controversial law.
  10. I try not to be subjective when I make a decission that affects other people.

Emre Gökhan ŞAHİN

-Bush went to Irak last week to say "good bye" to Irak people, so everybody saw a depraved man.
-Bush's soldiers enslaved thousands of innocent people.
-Bush made millions of works about other countries which are vicious.
-I have no tolerance to atrocities.
-Atatürk labored vey much for this country in spite of lots of enemies.
-In my childhood, there was and old and big house in my hometown and I think that it was a sinister and ominous house.
-Inspirations are needed by people, especially artists.
-In the past Ottoman Empire captured 3 continentals which are Asia, Europe and Africa.
-Minibus drivers in Istanbul can incorporate lots of jobs. They can drive, curse to other drivers, exchange money at the same time.
-I think students and teachers must solve problems collectively.


atrocity: Many atrocities have been committed in this war.
inspiration: The music is an ispiration for me.
sinister: The old house looked dark and sinister.
inflict: He enjoys inflicting pain on others.
neutral: Switzerland and Turkey were neutral countries in World War II.
indifferent: He seems indifferent to everything that we are proposing.
exert: The government is exerting great pressure on the terrorists.
interaction: The interaction of fans and players creates a good atmosphere.
vicious: He can become vicious when he is drunk.
concerned: During my career I was concerned with the computerisation of the bank.

Burak Turunç

Homework(Ten Sentences)

-Heavy casualties were inflicted on the enemy.

-Dreams can be a rich source of inspiration for an artist.

-We need not assume that there was a sinister motive for what she did.

-The company has captured 90% of the market.

-Our civilization remains enslaved to materialism.

-We have incorporated all the latest safety features into the design.

-The newspapers launched a vicious attack on him, forcing him to resign.

-With brutal honesty she told him she did not love him.

-We had to listen to the tedious details of his operation.

-I am intrigued to know what you thought of the movie.



He won the lottery and died the next day.
It's a black fly in your Chardonnay...

"Must I shake his hand? The man is a terrorist," he thinks. "No! Was! Was a terrorist." His stomach turns.

They enter in a rush. Escorts. Dignitaries. Reporters. The man.

Cameras flash like lightning.

"Peace isn't easy." Reaching out, he clasps the man's hand.

A traffic jam when you're already late.
A no-smoking sign on your cigarette break...

The Prime Minister steps from the car.

Jeers meet him as he inspects the scene. The crowd's reaction bothers him, but not as much as the shattered windows, the red sidewalk, the pieces of humanity strewn about the street.

Terror. Designed to derail the very peace that would put an end to such violence.

He turns toward the jeers. He wants to speak to the crowd with his eyes, to tell them that it won't end here---peace will prevail. But he looks toward the ground.

It's like rain on your wedding day.
It's a free ride when you've already paid...

The woman cries as the bulldozer tears into her home, "I already lost my son!"

She breaks free of the soldier. Running toward the machine, she screams, "He was a killer! But I didn't raise him that way!"

Her legs buckle. She hits the dirt. Stunned.

"Don't take my home... not for his actions," she says to the earth.

"My people bleed from suicide bombs. This is our only solution," the soldier answers.

And she pays the price twice over.


Struggle : She's struggling to bring up a family alone.

Inflict : Detectives warned that the men could inflict serious injury.

Capture : Turkey captured the first gold medal of the Olympic Games.

Enslave : Many Americans are enslaved in credit-card debt.

Incorporate : Karate is a martial art that incorporates kicking, striking, and punching techniques.

Sinister : Her dark eyes and evil laugh made her seem sinister.

Embodiment : A firewall is an embodiment of this security policy.

Inspiration : The Malvern Hills have provided inspiration for many artists and musicians over the decades.

Juggle : It's hard trying to juggle a job with kids and the housework.

Labor : Many women do all the work in the home, and their labor is unpaid.

Ersin KOÇ


1-Stressors has an negative impact on people's health.
2-Saddam was a vicious tyrant.
3-Sometimes daily hassles can cause stress.
4-Companies have to capture the attention of their consumers to sell their products.
5-Some people have an aversion to broad bean.
6-Implication of the stress research is there was a strong connection between mind and body.
7-Human nature has duality characters that change always.
8-Parents should interact with their children to understand them better.
9-Hyde is a depraved man that commit lots of crime.
10-German outsourcing companies are hiring workers and opening offices in developing countries.
11-He exerted all his students to listen him more carefully.


1)My classmates were intrigued by the lecturer's speech.
2)I think she behaves unconsciously, she might be depraved.
3)Bill Gates is an embodiment of successful business man.
4)I have an aversion to broad been, I can not really eat it.
5)Nazis had showed a great atrocity during the World War II.
6)There are many vicious tyrants in history like Hitler.
7)That view had inspired him to paint his masterpiece.
8)Having lots of exams is a kind of daily hassle.
9)History and chemistry are collectively difficult lessons for me.
10)I think exam stress depends on people, because everybody has different subjective appraisal.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


data: When did yoı take your medicine?

concept: does bush has the same brain capacity with a monkey

judgement: There are a great deal of ways to get rid of tax problems, what do you think about them?

  • What are the ways that solve school violence?
  • Why do usually men commit crime more than women?
  • There are some solutions to prevent domestic violence.Do you think that they will work ?


what is the ways that stress has been defined?


find the similarities of major life events and daily hassles?


can a person predict what will be stressful to a particular person at a particular time?why or why not?



1) What kinds of hassles do we have in our daily life?

2)Do you think that people and animals have similar stressors?

3)Are you convinced that people can cope with stressors?

Emre Gökhan ŞAHİN


1) What does the environmental stimuli refers to?
2) Do you agree with the Canadian physiologist Hans Seyle?
3) Why do people react to stress emotional?


1) What is the "stressor"?

2) What is the difference between animals and humans about stress reactions towards the same stressor?

3) Why can all people not adapt to the same continuing stress?

Ersin KOÇ

Questions-Short answer quiz

Type 1:What does stress mean and how does stress effect us?
Type 2:There are some researches about rats and other animals.Do you think these researches are really useful?
Type 3:Do you think stress has an impact on human or it's different from this article?


Type 1:What kind of stresssors have an impact on us?
Type 2:According to Hans Seyle, there are three stages to react stressors. Which one is more general or common for you?
Type 3:Do you think that animal tests are really show the truths?

Sunday, December 14, 2008

sentences with modals

Future Modals
- If I go back my ex-university, I will be able to be an engineer.
- I will have to buy a F1 2009 ticket because I don't want miss races.
- I won't have to study all time before exam because I feel good about lesson.
- 2009 Uefa Cup final will be played in Kadıköy, so I will able to watch this match in stadium.
- I might take TOEFL before trace exam.

Past Modals

- People were able to buy everything easily before economic crisis but nowadays,they think twice.
- Banks had to take pracautions against crisis.
- Company couldn't predict economic crisis which effects them now.
- Banks were able to refuse credits for everyone and that is the most important reason of economic situation.
- Goverments had to see signals of crisis and than regulate economic conditions.



*When I was a child ,I could play with my friends in the park.
*Because of my headache I could not go to the school.
*I hurt my leg , so I was not able to play in the last match.
*My mother had cleaned my room , so I did not need to clean it again.
*Because of the accident , I was not able to get there on time.


*Technology will be able to reach more people in the future.
*I will have to study my maths exam.
*I downloaded the song ,so I won't need to buy the album.
*Because of my homeworks I might not go out this weekend .
*I might go to Bodrum next summer.

Bahadır SERT


1. I could play the guitar when I was 11 years old.
2. I was not able to drive a car when I was child.
3. I could cook when I my parents were not at home when I was child.
4. When I was child, I was able to ski.
5. I had to go to course to enter university when I was in high school.


1. I must get an 70 to pass this module.
2. I might go to a party on 31Th of January because of New Year.
3. I will have to finish my homework until this Monday.
4. If I have I car, I won't need to wake up early in mornings.
5. I will be able to speak fluently after finishing this course.

Past Modals
When I was a teenager, I could go out as late as I wanted
As I was alone this weekend, I didn't need to do any cooking
I couldn't go out last night because I had to do my homework.
It was very icy, but I managed to keep the car on the road.
The fog came down and I wasn't able to get to the top of the mountain.

Future Modals
Scientists claim, women aged 100 will be able to give birth within 30 years.
Obama will have to redefine war on terrorism.
I have a free anti-virus licence key, so I won’t need to buy an expensive anti-virus programme for about 4 years.
I might not go Galatasaray-Beşiktaş match on Sunday.
I might play footbal in the future.

Burak Turunç

My 3 Summaries of Listenings from NPR!

I listened to “Traffic Accidents Top Cause Of Fatal Children Injuries”. It is about the problems that cause to make children die and according to the text, The World Health Organization shows that the most dangerous reason is a car on the road because the crashes kill 1 million children every year in the world. The publical huge problem is the children who survive have 8, 9 injuries which make them lead death. 840,000 children die evry year and this the same quantity of child and adolescent population of Chicago. The main problem is real traffic accidents. In Africa, which has the highest rate of fatalities, most children die while they are walking alone. In Asia, 3, 4, 5 people travel on 1 motorcycle. Also, unexperienced drivers dramatically reduce injuries. In developing countries, there is no seperation between the pedestrians and the traffic roads in many places, so many children are killed by cars. The safest truth from Sweden is that if a car is driven more than 35 km /an hour, children can be died more. At the end of the text, WHO recommends to promote funding about preventing childhood injuries for international projects for highway consruction and health development.

Ersin KOÇ

I listened to “Zoo Elephants Live A Shortened Life, Study Finds” and it is a debate between researchers. Some elphants which live in zoos live shorter than the elephants which are in wild life in some continents because of the bad quality of zoos. Some elephants are dying really early. For example, half of the elephants die by the age of 19 in European zoos. Also, Asian elephants in zoos live 44.8 years and Asian elephants in the wild life live 45 years as average. These are almost same number. To sum up, animals in some zoos live longer, but others not, and some changes in zoos can contribute to make animals live a long and healthy life.

Ersin KOÇ

I listened to “You Have Got A Friend In P-A”. It is a puzzle program which is broadcast on every Sunday. People join the program, try to answer the puzzle questions, and have fun. For that week, every answer is a familiar two-word phrase or title in which one word starts with P-I and the other starts with P-A, and the P-A and P-I words can be in any order. Also, a new guest join the special part of every segment, and Tom Jones, who is a very famous singer and who sold more than 100 million records worlwide, joined the segment for that week. Besides, the girl who joined the program said she was very jealous because Tom Jones was there and she was just on the phone. The special guest asks a puzzle question and people send their answers to the website till deadline. After the deadline, one of the people who has the right answer plays a puzzle on ear and the puzzle is added with him or her of the New York Times as he or she is a winner and a master of the puzzle.

Ersin KOÇ


How a nice listening:)However I can not understand most of them:) I have listened some of them more than twice. It was difficult to understand because they are native speakers. Althogh it was difficult, I could catch what they were talking about :D


  • I will be able to understand whatever i listen in English after graduated from university.
  • I might have a car when I am in the last year at university.
  • I will need to study more to pass advance level.
  • I might work on abroad to make much money.
  • I will have to practice English in summer not to forget:)


  • I had to get a good result from OSS exam to attend university.
  • I was not able to ride a bicycle when I was five.
  • I could drive a car when I was younger than 13.
  • I had to go home before midnight when I was in the primary school.
  • People were able to buy a lot of thing by paying less many in the past.

Emre Gökhan ŞAHİN



When I was 15, I was able to play badminton.
While I was studying at primary school, I did not have to get up early.
When I was a child, I was able to skate.
I was able to go on holiday for 3 months , when I was a child.
I succeed in swimming while I was going to swimming club.


In the future, I will be able to go to czech rebuplic.
I might have a car when I find a good job in the future.
I will buy fish so I will need to buy an aquarium.
In the future, to find a good job, I will need to learn one more foreign language.
My niece and my nephew will come for New Year so I will be able to spend time with them.


Saturday, December 13, 2008


I could not understand all of them. For example, 20th Century man was a difficult and boring one. However,testosterone was a different one as you said before. I surprised while ı was listening it. I think How to win friends and influence was funny because of the man who tells the story about his childhood. In fact, I couldn't understand some words, but I could understand the stories and their subjects.


I had a chance to listen listening thing which is you recommended us but I could not understand most of them. I think that our listening book is excellent for us :)


Past Modals
-I was able to swim five kilometers.
-I was not able to drive a car when I was child.
-We had to wear uniform in high school.
-I had to help my brother’s lessons.
-I was able to use computer when I was child.
Future Modals
-I will be able to see you after Christmas.
- I had my dinner five minutes ago, so I will not need to eat while we are out.
-After the SELI course, I will able to understand all kind of books.
-I will able to build a new house next to the river.
-I will have a chance to climb the Everest.



I try to listen the things that you suggested. I liked the title, but I could not understand clearly, because I do not know the meanings of most words. It was really hard to understand :( The title was "Love on the rocks".I listened it twice. Although I listened it twice, if you ask me what did you remember from it, I would say nothing :)


Thursday, December 11, 2008

modal homework

  1. When I was 10, I could swim faster.
  2. In the past, people were able to talk to their neigbours more.
  3. We managed to reach Edirne, in spite of bad traffic.
  4. I had to wear a uniform at highschool.
  5. I wasn't able to go at night with my friends when I was younger.

1.I might go shopping to buy new black boots. 2. I hope that we will use our cards in cafeteria so we won't need to pay money for lunch. 3. Perhaps, I will have an iguana in the future, but it can't stay with me at hotel. 4. I will be able to go to Egypt on holiday or after the college. 5. I could stay at my friend's house in this summer.


Wednesday, December 10, 2008


I can’t find my notebook. My mother could have taken it, she was here this morning.
I would be able to pass the exam if I studied harder.
My father could swim very well, when he was young.
I was able to go to USA last summer, If I didn't enter the university exam.
In high school, I had to enter all maths lessons, because if I didnt enter any of them, my teacher gave 0.

I will able to be a good father.
In my deparment I might be very successful.
It may fight in here, so I must run away.
Your train will move at 2 oclock, you could take it.
I must have a passport in order to go abroad.


Tuesday, December 9, 2008



I will have to do my presentation.

I might be with my friends on Sunday morning because of my birthday.

I will need to be relaxed in this Bairam Holiday, otherwise, I won’t be able to focus on my lessons.

I might not go cinema tomorrow morning.

I can swim on Friday morning in my swimming pool.


I was able to play piano when I was 14.

I did not have to go England for English course when I was 12.

I could get high points from OSS but I could not.

I needed to meet my friend yesterday morning.

Hazal TEMELLİ // S000169



#1 . When my parents were outside, i was able to give permission for something to my brothers.
#2 . She couldn't buy the dress, which she saw in the mall, because she couldn't take enough money for that.
#3 . In my old relationship, i didn't have to call him everytime.
#4 . Altough i could write very strong opinion essays in english at class time, i couldn't show this in writing exam.
#5 . My brother had to take our other brother at school, but he decided to go basketball antrenman.


#1 . I will be able to go abroad for study by the end of 3rd year in university.
#2 . She might call her best friend for watching 'Gossip Girl' together.
#3 . I will need to finish my presentation before tatil has finished.
#4 . Mid term will be difficult, i should start to memorize all the vocabulary tomorrow.
#5 . It may take long hours, so i decided to take help for this job.

Yagmur KARA ' 1o1


  • I couldn't stand reality shows.
  • I was able to watch the same movie 2 times last night.
  • Finally ı managed to repair my old telephone.
  • I succeed in playing taboo.
  • My sister had to be respectful to me because ı'm older than her.
  • I will be able to drive in 2 months.
  • In the future scientists might discover new ways to transport which will quicker than buss.
  • I may do fizzy Turk kahvesi.
  • My school has a dance club, so ı won't need to attend another dance club.
  • I will have to do my postgraduate.


Monday, December 8, 2008


Past Modal
1-Last year ı wasn't able to go to holiday because of the university examination.
2-I was able to take care of a cat in our house but ı can't anymore.
3-I couldn't learn how to play piano because of my school.
4-I had to give water to the flowers in my house but ı forgot it.
5-I was able to write an article about my journal to publish in travel magazine.
6-I succeeded in writing articles about various subject.
Selin Mordeniz

Future Modal
1-I will be able to speak English by the end of this course.
2-We will be able to travel this summer.
3-I will need to pass all my exams to continue my education.
4-I won't need to make a diet because ı go to sport center for fitness.
5-I might celebrate my birthday in a restaurant ith my friends.
6-I might not go to England this year to study English.
Selin Mordeniz

Sunday, December 7, 2008

When I was a little child, I was able to cry for anything i want

While I was studying at high school, I was not able to smoke at school

When I was studying primary school I didn't have to study for exams.

While I was thinking about them somebody told me that

Eventough He could speak 3 languages He couldn't explain himself in Germany.


I won't be able to have a long hair when I go to the military

In near future, i might have a dog

I will travel a lot in future that's why i will have to give the dog to the shelter

They might hurt my dog there so i changed my idea to not have a pet

I should take someone's advice about it



  1. When I was eleven years old, I was able to ride o bike.
  2. While I was living with my family, I was not able to go out alone.
  3. At my old school, I did not have to enter to all of the lessons.
  4. Although the adress was near me, I could not find her home.
  5. I could not get a high mark from the exam, because I could not study very well.


  1. I will be able to find a good job, when I graduate from my university.
  2. In the future, I might go abroad.
  3. I am planning to go on holiday.That's why, I will have to buy sunglassess.
  4. It may rain, so I decided to take my umbrella with me.
  5. I should see the doctor, but I can not go tomorrow, because I have got an important exam tomorrow.




I was very sick and the teacher said I could go home.

I didn't need to rush to meet her – there was plenty of time.

I loved her very much and I was able to do everything what she wanted.

I was very sad because Angelina couldn't come last night.

I had to be at the hospital yesterday at 4 o'clock, so I couldn’t come with you.

Ersin KOÇ


If Hawaii is too expensive, I might go to Florida for this summer.

However, I can't swim.

Also, my bags will be really heavy – I am not sure I'll be able to carry them on my own.

I don't think I could stay with someone else instead of my love in Florida.

Therefore, I will need to go there with my love together and I’ll have to buy two tickets.

Ersin KOÇ

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Fan Boys

I go to Bulgaria, and Greece in this summer.

I have to go to my hometown but I do not have any money.

I did not study for exam so I failed.

I do not like lessons nor my friend.

I will come to school or I will stay at home

Manchester United is the best team around the world yet they could not beat a second league team yesterday.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I play football, and my friend play basketball.
He couldn’t take the driving licence, so he won’t drive a car.
He was very sick, but he has to go to school.
I have to study my lessons, or I will fail.
I didn’t do this, nor he did.
He was very tired, yet he played football.
I have to be at home today, for the repairman will come to repair my computer.


nor: I do not like tennis, nor do my grandfather.
for: My mother did not cook yesterday, for she was not at home.
but: There are lots of problems about my school, but I like it.
and: my brother found a new job, and he is going to start his new job on monday.
or: give your money, or I will kill you.
so: There are millions of cars in İstanbul, so there is a serious traffic problem.
yet: He had a many car accidents because of high speed, yet he is driving his car fast.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


I go to school, and my cousin goes to work.

I saw a ghost, so i was scared so much.

I want to go on holiday but im busy with school nowadays.

I had to gain money so i could buy a car.

I have to study foreign languages for study abroad.

You have to work, or you will fail.

They increased the taxes, yet people stll buy jeep.

Gökhan didnt come to school today, nor he studied at home


I had a bird, and my cousin had fish.
My niece is like a lady, but my nephew is a naughty boy.
Tomorrow, come on time, or you will be marked absent again.
She did not come to wedding, nor did her husband.
He was sick, so he went to the doctor.
She is 74 years old, yet she is still energetic.
I have recieved gifts, for today is my birthday.
I asked him where he was going, and he told me he was on his way to the cinema.
Canada is a rich country, but still it has many poor people.
Batman is a hero, for he is successful in catching the criminals in his city.
She saw a cat run in front of her, so she fell down while roller-skating.
You could cry like a baby, or you can clean your room like an adult.
I don’t want to practice playing the violin, yet I don’t want to disobey my mother.
I have never visited Asia, nor have I visited Africa.


He found it increasingly difficult to read, for his eyes were failing
He plays the guitar and sings folk songs.
It was not my fault, nor his.
I'd like to go but I'm too busy.
Wear your coat or you'll catch cold.
Kelly was a convicted criminal, yet many people admired him
There are no buses, so you'll have to walk.

FOR : I cannot tell whether she is old or young, for I have never seen her.

AND : She didn't speak to anyone, and nobody spoke to her.

NOR : Kemal was not at the meeting, nor was he at work yesterday.

BUT : They rushed to the hospital, but they were too late.

OR : I had to defend myself, or he would have killed me.

YET : They charge incredibly high prices, yet customers keep coming back for more.

SO : I was feeling hungry, so I made myself a sandwich.

Ersin KOÇ


  1. She could not come to the school today, so try to help her with the subjects that we mentioned today.
  2. The event was unexpected, and they were all surprised.
  3. We do not need so much sugar, nor do we need egg to make this food.
  4. She finished her first homework, but she could not finish second homework.
  5. He can wear his black suit, or I will clean his grey suit.
  6. She had a heart disease, yet she is eating animal fat in her diet.
  7. He is good at maths, for he had private course at the early ages.

>>> NİHAL ER <<<


  • Ahmet, who is a tennis player, eats a lot, for he needs more energy.
  • My friend is a wise person, for he reads everytime, and he travels a lot.
  • I do not watch cartoon on tv, nor do I watch romance.
  • Tobacco advertising is the biggest factor for children to be an addicted, but it is not the only factor.
  • People should be careful while they are shopping, or they can face economic crise.
  • Reliable and patriotic politicians are essential for every country, so vote for the politicians who have these personalites.
  • However, I have a diriving licance,yet my parents do not allow me to drive a car, for it is dengerous.
I do sports and eat fruits, for being a healthy person.
I take resposibilities and ı care of people.
I do not drink coke, nor smoke, because my health is significant.
I sometimes drink wine, but drinking it everytime is not good.
I should eat less when ı get older, or ı will be a very fat person.
I think tobacco and alcohol advertisings are very harmful and effective, yet Turkish Government had already forbidden them.
I believe that time managing is very helpful for being happier, so try to plan your life.

Compound sentences

I do sports to be more healthy, for looking more beautiful.
I try to eat fresh,organic foods to be a healthy person, and ı try to be a good example as a person.
I do not smoke, nor ı do not use alcohol, because it give damage to our bodies.
The advertising about diet has an effect on young people, but it isn't very helpful for me.
I should find a job when ı graduated from university, or ı won't feel well.
I think fast food is very harmful, yet many parents forbade their children to eat fastfood and try to warn them.
Our life pace is really fast and we should have a social life too, so time managing is essential for us.

Thursday, November 27, 2008


In "Genetically Modified Food", the author informs about GMF's. At first, he mentions process of GM then he explains us what benefits and harmful effects of GM. He also talked about biotechnology. Main idea was some people believe that biotechnology is used safely and beneficially in the production of GM foods. Also he mentioned what GM may cause in future. After that, he writes about what European and American people think about GM. To sum up, he shows us that this discussion will be continue in the future.

Yahya Muşta