I’m going to introduce you a film which is called “The Other Boleyn Girl”. Before i’ve seen the this film. İ read the book. The book is really page-turner . while i was reading The Other Boleyn Girl novel, i created character in my mind and when i saw film, i understood that film and novel are incomparable. The film is take in romance, love, jealousy between sisters, ambition and lust. Plot is gripping . at the end of the story is not finish like other novels, it is really shocking. In my opinion, artists are make this film more effective. In The Other Boleyn Girl, Scarlett Johansson and Natalie Portman acted Boleyn sisters. This breathtaking novel must be showned everybody.
İ want to summarize film to you:
Mary Boleyn(Scarlett Johansson) is 14 years old. When she came the palace of VIII. Henry with her innocent,she fascinated VIII.Henry (Eric Bana). Henry is a married man but his eyes always on another girls. He fell in love with Mary. Mary’s family want to fascinate Henry because he is very rich and this family choose this way for be near to king, VIII. Henry. However, day by day king’s consern became decrease and she lost herself in this role. At the same time, Boleyn family still try to allure his concern and they decided to show king other Boleyn girl; Anne Boleyn. Anne is married woman and she is quite silent than her sister but she can’t counter her family. She went to palace and entered into relation with Henry. She bamboozeled her husband, her sister and the queen too. After that night she became pregnant from king. When king heard this, he didn’t be happy because this child is become from illegal relation. Months later he heard that baby was boy. This is very important for him because he doesn’t have any son from queen. He arrested Anne in a room because he didn’t want to something happen bad to his child. There was a problem , he doesn’t like Anne. He just became weakness in front of the her. At the same time, Mary was sended to banishement to France. When she turned, she saw her sister was pregnant and felt bad. She trid to be near by her but she can’t block his jealousy. When the son borned, king didn’t want to see his son. Because in legal ways it seems not his child. İt is a child who became in illegal relation. Days after king was effected from Mary because she become more beautiful than before and she looks more impressive than before. King wants to be in relation with her but she wants only one thing : be his queen but for this she gave a promise to king. She will give birth as a boy. The boy but in legal ways. The son will born is crown prince.He accepted this and divorced his first wife. When they married, Mary was became pregnant after marriage. Every day king asks her how is she feel. After months, Mary gave a birth her child but her first child is girl. It was a real dissapointment for king and queen. After few days Mary became a prengnant again and she didn’t leave anywhere without her room. But after one month child was fall down and she didn’t say this to king. She was responsible for this event. She said this event to her sister. They didn’t have any chance and at that night Mary thought she must be a pregnant. She has to be in a relation with somebody to become pregnant. Last chance she decided to be in a relation with her brother. When Anne heard this she said this is really execrable and impossible. But every problem can’t block Mary and she called her brother. They tried but can’t do this. But somebody saw them together and told king. After that Mary and her brother judged and they swinged....
YagmuRkaRA - Sooo1o1
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