Hi!!.I am mustafa Arslan. I have to do this homework to don't get minus from Anna . ıt looks boring but ı must start now..=)
I was born in istanbul and ı grew up in this city. I like this city because it is my hometown and ıt got a lot of story from the past.I was a student in Marmara high school for 4 years. My high school life was very enjoyable for me.Nowadays ı am missing my high school.Now, I am a student and a junior partner in Özyegin university.I am in prep class and this is my first homework in this class.The begining of the university ı was worried about the school,students and teachers.. But ı begin to like them .
My family is the most important thing in my life.My family includes 5 members my father,my mother,my sister,me and my dog=).My father name is Arslan.We have same names with my father.Because of that my family members always call me Mustafa.Mustafa is my grandfather' s name.He died before when my birth's So my parents taken to me my grandfather' s name.My father is 47 .He is importer about textile.His job about italian fashion so that he ca

And me... You know that my name is mustafa Arslan. I am 17 years old. I was born in the end of 1990(30th december) I think that ı am the youngest student in my school=). I have got a lot of hobbies.My hobbies are soccer,swimming,playing tennis ,fishing and to be hunted by harpoon in the sea. I can fishing in summers when ı go my s

About my personality... I joined the test about personality on Msnbc page.İt says that ı am a type A-orB plus.I think that the test is true because my personality is a little bit type A a little bit type B.I will tell something about my personality. First ı am a friendly person and ı give importance to friendships And ı am easy going,open minded ,genereous,adventereous,sociable,thoughfull and talkative person. I like to spend time with my friends and ı lıke to help them. I thik that ı am a good person... =)
I like your use of adjectives outside the textbook. And I look forward to seeing your "talkative" side in the classroom, in English :).
thnx=) I'll be talkative in class (in englısh=))
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