How wonderful seeing you ! The best place to begin is presenting my respect and affection to all of you... I am Nihal.As you know I am a student at Özyegin University.Until last august, I was a math student at Gebze High Technology Enstitue.I spent really good times at there.My teachers and friends were also very valuable people for me.I thought I am so lucky because of meeting them.
When we meet someone for the first time, we usually ask “How old are you? Where are you from ? How you got any brother or sister? Are you going to school?”.I guess that you are also worried about the answers about them.So I can begin introducing myself with giving answers to them.I was born in 1988 in Istanbul.I am from Sinop,Boyabat.Although I was borned and grow up in Istanbul ,I am saying I am from Boyabat.Because in Turkey people usually say their father’s birthplaces as their hometowns.I obey this cultural rule as well.How abaout my family?I am living with my parents and I have got only one brother.And he is going İTÜ electric-engineering,started this year.
I spent most of my years with studying hardly.As a reward I have taken degree when I finished my schools.I was the first at middle school and also I was third at high school.Math is the my favorite lesson.Its place is different in my life.

I can define myself easily,because I know myself with all my details.I can guess what will I do after an event.But also, sometimes I get some tests for understanding my psychological mood.For example,I took “overall anger test” on last Friday. It really matches with my mood.Up to the result of that test ;my overall score was 80 percent,so it was guite high.Also I was seemed to get angry much more often than the average individual did.I want to share a sentence which is written in that result that I liked so much : ”Whatever the case , learning to control your anger would likely prove beneficial”. I think, I must learn to control myself .Also getting so angry has some bad sides on my health and relationships.Now,I know that nothing worthes getting worked up about.

Tests give the true information about us.So I recommend you to take care of them.If you correspond the given advices,maybe you can be better.So these kind of tests effects me all the time...
I can also identfy myself with the word of organised.I plan everything before I do it.I don’t do anything without thinking and putting events in order.I am usually creative.I try to do something unusual.However,I can not say that I am a sociable person,neither talkative.I have got a bad habit : I thought that everyone is reliable.I trust everyone,at the end I get terrible results and sadness.I can not say any bad words to anybody.Also I am even-tempered and hardworking as well.I study hardly all the time.Studying is not boring for me.It makes me feel enjoyable and relaxed.I can exactly say that I am an ambititious person.Being ambititious always helps me when I want to start the life from the beginning.So I love being ambitious.The other thing is I am always bossy for my brother , although he is only one year smaller than me .

Have very very very nice days with full happiness at the rest of your life.....
I'm glad you took 2 quizzes. I found your interpretation of the results quiet insightful and interesting. You seem ready to work hard in both your personal and professional life.
I like your blog.Nice work
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