Hello,I'M Onur Yazgan from İstanbul.I’m interested in playing bass guitars and kontrabas.Nowadays I’m in a band that covers songs of legendary band Pantera.
.Ive just completed that quiz...I must act as energetic and ambitious now because test says I'm type A...funny...
I was born in 29th Semptember in İstanbul i’m still living here but i dont think about build up my life in this city...I dont wanna live in this chaos to grave because you have to be so cautious
for everything and it only makes you older...
I like to paint something especially drawing on a big canvas.I dont write much because i think all ideas to write about has already been written by someone.I like doings sports such as fitness/body building.I like reading something developer but it shouldn't be about politics because i think ''politics'' is just a stage which puppets play their games to hide real control.
My father is a open-minded financial director thats why he is good at his work i trying to with him on his work periods to the company as much as possible its important to learn something for future i think.... and mother is an English teacher at elementary school.I’m still living with them in Göztepe.
I’ve a brother 3 years younger than me he is really sociable and talkative thats why we have good connections.
Lets compare them with the test
It was so superficial...
These personality tests are really untruthful and unnecessary...
Because you can't find out personality of a person with asking few weird questions
Its a long detailed work and reliable psychologiest work and this test was just an aftertest to increase hit of the website of channel....
And Its really hard to decide a lifestyle and put them in a type with a weird test
I think people can be A and B at the same time it depends on their mood
We are living in a world that turns faster than ever so we have to be type A and its a stressful world sometimes we must be relaxed that times converts us to type A to B
In this case most people of today is ''type AB''.I might be type A usually I’ve allways been a assertive person I dont deny it.But I cant spend my whole life as an organised one because its really boring and makes you moody...
The required adjectives has written as italic letters...thanks
Onur Yazgan
what a personality you have:)i love bass guitars too..i hope i 'll listen u alive :)
you are right that the quiz we took was superficial, but there is more extensive and accurate quizzes you can take on the psychology today website, and some really good ones require you to pay
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