Hi my name is Bugra.I'm a SELI student of Özyegin University.I grew up in Istanbul,Turkey.I dont have any sisters or brothers.My father is an insurance agent and my mother has a software company calls Ecore.I have dog between. His name is Punky.His genus is Russian Terrier.I want to talk about my hobbies.I was a sportive child until starting to smoke. I have played Handball in Istanbulspor for 8 years and I was in Vakkorama-Snowman Ski Team.I was a waterpolo player and swimmer at HSSK ( Heybeliada Water Sports Club).My favourite sport is soccer like all male children in Turkey.But my father sad something to me about my soccer carrier.I got invitations from Galatasaray and Besiktas but I didnt go, because my father sad me , that if I'll earn money from my soccer carrier , I'll not study.I think,that was true.In that times I was a child and didnt know importance of studying.
Now I want to tell something about my personality.As first I'm a funny guy.I'm an easy-going and open-minded person.I have too much self-confidence.I'm adventerous, ambitious, generous, creative and sociable.I'm the most important person around the world for me.Between I'm not a strong willed person, because my emotions comes as first then all things.I have a very strange character. I'm a emotional and logical person.Everyone says emotions and logic are opposite but I dont think like them.I make my choices with my emotions and my logic.My personality is a synthesis of emotions and logic...In brief I'm a megalomaniac person.I can prove that with a Personality Test.At school I got a Personality Test.This Test is about Type of our Personalitys.Mine was between A- and B+ . I agree that Test because it was logical.People perceive me as an A type, but there is my inner B that could also be encouraged. Still, my main appearance is outgoing, intense and ambitious.As u see it looks like same.
And here is my goal.I'm now in Özyeğin University and I will study too hard for my dreams.I got too much dreams but I dont want to share them.The olds have a saying, ''No one can live without dreams...''

I ve Posted a Phoenix,because I believe that I'm a phoenix...
As you know, phoenix borns from his ashes...They don't give up ...
Now I want to tell something about my personality.As first I'm a funny guy.I'm an easy-going and open-minded person.I have too much self-confidence.I'm adventerous, ambitious, generous, creative and sociable.I'm the most important person around the world for me.Between I'm not a strong willed person, because my emotions comes as first then all things.I have a very strange character. I'm a emotional and logical person.Everyone says emotions and logic are opposite but I dont think like them.I make my choices with my emotions and my logic.My personality is a synthesis of emotions and logic...In brief I'm a megalomaniac person.I can prove that with a Personality Test.At school I got a Personality Test.This Test is about Type of our Personalitys.Mine was between A- and B+ . I agree that Test because it was logical.People perceive me as an A type, but there is my inner B that could also be encouraged. Still, my main appearance is outgoing, intense and ambitious.As u see it looks like same.
And here is my goal.I'm now in Özyeğin University and I will study too hard for my dreams.I got too much dreams but I dont want to share them.The olds have a saying, ''No one can live without dreams...''
I ve Posted a Phoenix,because I believe that I'm a phoenix...
As you know, phoenix borns from his ashes...They don't give up ...
What a personality!!:P good job kanki=)
i like your enthusiasm, also, looks like you thought about yourself before actually writing
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