affected (adj) : influenced
literacy (n): ability to read and write
entire (adj) : whole, including every part, complete, full
brief (adj): short, concise
brief (noun): asummary; a report.
structure (n) : building; something created from a number of interconnecting parts;
structure (v): organize, arrange, give form to
ban (v) : to forbid, to prohibit
waste of time : passing of time in a useless fashion, not putting time to good use
They all have same meaning but there is a difference when we use it;
allow------> between formal and informal
let -------> informal
Allow and permit are similar, but permit is more formal and often used in passive form.
Allow somebody to do something.
Something is (not) permitted.
Let means the same, but has no passive form.
Allow should be used instead.
Let somebody do something.
Somebody is allowed to do something.

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