This is a familiar slogan of Nike.It says ‘’Just Do It’’.This ad captures my attention through the slogan. When I read the slogan, I feel free . Also the creativity of this advertisement capture my attention too. Becouse it’s an unusual advertisement.
The target audience of this ad is people, who wants to be free and do whatever they want. There’snt any product on advertisement becouse everyone knows what Nike is.They try to sell image of their company ‘’Nike’’.They want that people feel free when they use nike stuffs.
Main Idea of this advertisement is Freedom. As you see there’s a child , who pisses on the wall under the Slogan, becouse he feels free and does what he wants.
In my opinion this advertisement defined freedom perfectly. When you see that ad , you feel freedom.And slogan is the best slogan around the world.’’Just Do It’’ makes us free , energetic and happy. Ad says that dont worry about something and just do what you want.And I think that this advertisement defines orginality too, becouse there’ s an old painting (slogan ) on the wall and there ‘s not too much colors.It defines orginality of Nike.
My definition is same with Nike about freedom. Freedom is doing something, what you want. Pissing on the Wall , Shouting in a cinema , beeing honest, telling what you think about something ... This was a creative advertisement . They try to make us free and relax with their stuffs.
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