This advertisement is loved by Turkish people. In addition, it is my favorite one. The advertisement is about a bank in which a famous actor Haluk Bilginer takes a role as being Ataturk.
1) The advertisement captures our attention because of Ataturk. Ataturk is the one of greatest leaders who lived over than 60 years ago. As a result, when we saw the advertisement for the first time, we were astonished. We felt that Ataturk never died. Anyway, he is still alive in our heart.
2)The target audiance is all Turkish people. The bank advertised this on 10th November because it was the death anniversay of Ataturk. You can think that, this advertisement is not related with a bank. It does not say anything about money,account,economy etc. Maybe you are right. In fact, the bank advertise it to show their precision about Ataturk and Turkey. I feel myself close to the bank, however, i have not had an account yet:)
3) This advertisement tells us, to concentrate on our works. Also it says, if you really want to do something, try to do even if it is hard.
Now, i want to translate the advertisement for you as a dialog.
child: Does thorn prick your hand?
Ataturk: Yes, it does
Child: Does your hand bleed?
Ataturk:yes, it does.
child:but aren't you Ataturk?
Ataturk:no ı am, child.
Ataturk:never mind who ı am. if you grow this rose, you will be hurt, your hand will bleed.
the sun will make you sweated. There will be some people who say 'no rose will growin this garden' and there will be some people who say 'it's not the way to grow a rose'you will ask yourself these questions: Do i want to make here a rose garden? Do i want to grow the most beautiful rose in the world? if you really want, you willcare about neither the words that people say nor the thorn that pricked your hand.whoever you are, the only thing you want will be smelling this. Have you understood child?
child:yes, i have
Ataturk: well done. go on...
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