Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Unit 5 Lesson 1 Vocabulary (Advertising)

* to promote (v) -> to try to sell a product

* to endorse (v) -> to say public that you support of something

* to misslead (v) -> to give the wrong idea or impression

* commercial (n) -> an advert on Tv or Radio

* catchy (a) -> amusing and enjoyable; easy to remember

* humorous (a) -> funny and cleaver

* dull (a) -> not interesting or exciting

* persuasive (a) -> able to make people do or believe something

* sponsorship (n) -> financial support a company gives in order to get publicity

* exotic (a) -> unusual or exciting

(n) -> noun , (a) -> adjective , (v) -> verb

Published by Buğra & Göktuğ

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