İ was in London-Ascott about a four years ago. İ went there for learn English and improve myself.My mother’s friend is teacher and she goes London every year for her students. She told me why i don’t go with her and i decided to go London. İt was my first travel on abroad and i was really excite. Everything was wonderful and i was very happy.
We went there from airplane.We set out to airport and i was really serious... . Watch clouds,see many islands ,drink coffees which beautiful hostess treated us every thing was good but i thought my family. Until we got back i won’t see them and i will miss them but my family want to travel alone for me...
After 3 hours we got to London.We stopped off one hour because of time time lag and then we went to hour hotel.Staffs took us and helped us for diffrences in London.
We went to hotel and looked over our plan. English lessons was start mornings and finish afternoon. After the lessons finish we went to historical places of London;museums,monasteries,universities ... After these trips we went to sports. All things were going on way.
Lessons were not boring we draw pictures,play games which practise our speaking and making projects for example we draw maps anywhere and we know countries very well. Learning English as well not easy in two weeks of course but we were learn to make diolog to people who came from another countries. We met many people in different cultures. İ have a letter friend in London and i still in contact with her.
Trips were very exiting and we feel diffrence to be there. The best place i have ever seen was Madam Tussauds Museum.There was a wonderful place that i have ever seen.We saw gliterring world of fame for a day at Madam Tussauds. İn this museum there is a wax crucifixions. They were amazing. You can find all world stars in there Kylie Minouge,Marilyn Monroe,Beyonce.Pavorotti,Johnny Deep,kings... there was no body guards or velvet ropes. You can rub shoulders of Hollywood stars and take a photo with them. You can be great friend with Britney spears for example...
İ recommend to you go there and see all stars,my best star was Orlando Bloom. All my life i can’t go and meet him so i met his crucifixion =)
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