Thursday, December 11, 2008

modal homework

  1. When I was 10, I could swim faster.
  2. In the past, people were able to talk to their neigbours more.
  3. We managed to reach Edirne, in spite of bad traffic.
  4. I had to wear a uniform at highschool.
  5. I wasn't able to go at night with my friends when I was younger.

1.I might go shopping to buy new black boots. 2. I hope that we will use our cards in cafeteria so we won't need to pay money for lunch. 3. Perhaps, I will have an iguana in the future, but it can't stay with me at hotel. 4. I will be able to go to Egypt on holiday or after the college. 5. I could stay at my friend's house in this summer.


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