As you read from the title,this is a bank advertisement.
1. It captures the audience’s attention with doing unusual things that no one did it before.First of all,they used attracting and active music.Besides,people are coming together in a really different way.Their movements are really enjoyable.You can not stop yourself from watching them.
2. The target audience is the people who needs using banks.Who can they be? I think,all people (men-women) who are older than 18,because you have to be 18 at least for getting an account from a bank.Of course,there is no product in this advertisement.It is just about using banks.They wanted from people to go Akbank and save their money in that bank.Moreover,they wanted from people to borrow some money from them.We can make these examples more.They used a long slogan,but it is not written and clear.You have to undersatand slogan by yourself.In slogan,they mentioned about why you choose Akbank.Let's put these reasons in to an order.Firstly they are big.Secondly Akbank is innovative,also it is creative.Actually,they are at the top of their games.
It is promoting power.According to the advertisement,Akbank is a powerfull bank.It is becoming bigger day by day.If you join them,you will be powerfull, too.Moreover,you can trust Akbank.I want to give an example from the ad.For instance,they used the shape of tree.Why do they use it?Tree means becoming bigger,also it refers to crowd.When we relate it to the Akbank,Akbank has many clients so it is crowded,too.It is becoming bigger with his increasing clients.
The advertisement is not telling me anything about beauty,freedom,love and romance.
I agree with the ideas which are related to the advertisement.Money is important for all people.Also, money is connected to bank so bank must be powerfull.If it is powerful you can trust it.How can you know it is powerful.If ıt has more clients,then you can think that it is reliable. Also, Akbank showed its power in this ad.
There can't be any advertisement which is watched more than this ad.I find it really entertaining.The figures are unusual.The music is attracting.Advertisement pulling the audience to itself.Even I don't have any money (that means I don't need any bank) , I watch it many times just for fun.However,the name of Akbank is always in my mind because of the ad.People are coming together and they are making shapes that are related to the bank 's features.Finally ,if you look at the colours,you will see red and white.It refers to our flag.This was the another detail.In my opinion,they are absolutely creative and unusual...
what a answer Nihal yaa.. please dont do the homeworks perfectly like this:)
it is amazing:))
you are wonderful,yaaa :) I got very suprised when I see your comments.I know, I must say "thanks" to you but I won't say :) I am not kind enough to say this :))
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